The premiere Australian Role Playing Game Super Squadron will be demonstrated monthly. The Author will be available for Q&A, demo’s and will be running his campaign.
Super Squadron is a Superhero role playing game, where players can generate a wide range of characters, duplicating their favourite comic book characters or create something totally original. Players can engage in a life of super-heroics or explore the complex world of being a super-villain.
Super Squadron was originally published in 1983.

Recent Events/Current Scenario
Saturday May 1st/2021 @ 11.00 am @ Alternate Worlds – The heroes RP tour of England and France resulted is some “Heroic Exploits”, including there requested assistance in recovering Marie Antoinette’s watch. Followed by an encounter with an insane thief that could deflect bullets with swords and the return of Moon Beam, A superheroine from Titania’s dimension. If that wasn’t enough, Rose has been kidnapped by Blacks Adder who is demanding they locate Flying Cobra in 3 days or else – but isn’t Flying Cobra dead?
Saturday March 20th/2021 @ 11.00 am @ Alternate Worlds – With the addition of “Malcolm” to the team (!) and the mystery of Professor Sumdallamiller resolved, the heroes have a chance to relax. The heroes are invited to Europe all expenses paid as a PR exercise early next year. With some background checking they find that Europe suffer an average of 4 major terrorists attacks each month. Is there another reason why they were invited?
Saturday March 6th/2021 @ 6.30 pm – Covid 19 online via discord for social distancing. Devon (Vali), desperately searches for his lost love Cassandra, but instead finds a “mad” version of Professor
Sumdallamiller sacrificing people to an elder god. Is this real?
Sunday February 7th/2021 @ 6.30 pm – Sunday February 7th/2021 @ 6.30 pm – Covid 19 online via discord for social distancing. The Count, a major World Villain has been defeated,
but now it appears he was not the Heartless Killer. Who set him up? Who is the even bigger threat? The Count, a major World Villain has been defeated, but now it appears he was not the Heartless Killer. Who set him up? Who is the even bigger threat?
Sunday January 10th/2020 @ 6.30 pm – The hero have smeared the “Villain” known as “The Count” literally, he is a puddle of dissolved mush on the floor, but how will they now prove to the police they have “Captured/Defeated” the Heartless Killer, and what of Cassandra (Devon/Vali’s) missing and now amnesiac girlfriend is she safe? The epilogue with a twist!.
Sunday November 29th/2020 @ 6.30 pm – The heroes now have a plan and set a trap for the Count, using Black Bolt as bait (?). Unfortunately they have had to leave Cassandra (Devon/Vali’s) missing and now amnesiac girlfriend as the Count’s prisoner to prevent the Count from being aware that the heroes are on to him.
Sunday November 8th/2020 @ 6.30 pm – The heroes desperately search for more information on the Heartless killer and thanks to a new lead, they find Cassandra and the answer they have been looking for. “The Count” (an antagonist they haven’t met (?), who apparently hates Black Bolt is apparently a Vampire.
Sunday October 25th/2020 @ 6.30 pm – The heroes intercepted the Heartless killer and stopped a murder, but they still have not idea of their identity and were lucky to survive one of the most powerful antagonists they ever faced.
Saturday October 10th/2020 @ 6.30 pm – Death Adders body is missing, who took it and why? What is with all these strange ritualistic murders targeting super-beings?
August 22nd/2020 @ 6.30 pm. The players have planned a “Sting” to capture the Flying Cobra.
Synopsis of Campaign (Started 2015)
Saturday June 4th, 2016 @ 11.00 am (arghh, there be pirates!)
Saturday July 9th @ 11.00 am – (Opps – misjump to Horror World)
Saturday July 23rd @ 11.00 am – Monk dumps and beats up Rose, Monk vs Captain Charm
Monk turns Evil ? Barring any unforseen circumstances …. (such as the above) (ALLLLLLLLLL…..VIN!) – Take II
Saturday August 6th @ 11.00 am – (ALLLLLLLLLL…..VIN!) – Take II (part II) success but Captain
Charm does not seem the same!
Kane – final showdown – the Guardians, Sorcerer six, plus more
heroes engage BUT things do not go according to plan!
Starbird – KIA
Simon – KIA
Captain Charm – KIA
Professor Doom – MIA
The heroes were losing badly, in a desperate action, Kane was
exiled to a random dimension!
Saturday August 20th @ 11.00 am – Fill-in Session due to player unavailability
Lazarus- The Fallen! followed by Convention Intermission
Saturday September 10th @ 11.00 am – Kane – Epilogue/aftermath – Season Finale
Monk goes to Captain’s Charm dimension and maintains the
time line. Monk discovers Starbird is his mother (despite being only 11 years older than him?). The Guardian return to Earth Prime. Black Bolts accidently activates the DG device and disappears without a trace. Natasha appear’s as a ghostly form asking for help. While trying to find her, the remaining party of 3 sorcerer’s misjump to a dimension where their magic doesn’t work and their Dimension Gate abilities don’t either. This world is similiar to 16th century England, but with classic monsters (vampires, witches, etc.)
Update status:
Starbird – KIA
Simon – KIA
Captain Charm – KIA
Professor Doom – MIA
Black Bolt – MIA
Saturday September 24th @ 11.00 am – Black Bolt MIA Sorcerer six…make that three, powerless and trapped. Black Bolt KIA – Heroic Sacrifice ? Dimensional Misjump – Vampires, Dragons, Dragon Control Rod held by Vampires, 4th age Magic doesn’t work here, Sorcerer three almost powerlesslost in a Medival England dimension.
Saturday October 29th @ 11.00 am – Large Gold Dragon and ancient Dragon egg found. Lazarus, Azzi and Maria (psychic) arrive from the future in an egg shaped spaceship, with Excalibur to help! Black Bolt appears with Simon, back from the dead! Syl’th’aih – Shide human tainted faerie joins for the war. Captain Zero return with a Druid (his priest KIA). Azzi has a third age scroll and summons an ancient hero – Bil Alvina is sent to the Dragonworld with the egg with a mission never returns! Robert the Druid, “checks the party. Black Bolt is a Force of Nature, just like Kane (except Kane is tainted). The heroes win the first skirmish, 2 Vamp, Witch and Worm eliminated
Saturday November 26th @ 11.00 am – Syl’th’aih kidnapped! Theodore and SImon poisoned. Excalibur stolen! Echidna summoned, the source of all corrupt dragonkind! Theodore given an impossible quest. Monk spaced!
Saturday February 4th, 2017 @ 11.00 am – Part III of the Supernatural War. Alvina MIA. The Golden Dragon is controlled by the Goddess and sent to kill our heroes. Theodore, succeeds in his quest for the Faerie and weilding Excalibur (which somehow works in his hands), leads the heroic party of Black Bolt, Simon, Laz, Maria, ancient legendary hero Bilgamesh, local heroic Zombie Hunter Legend Captain Zero and renegade faerie hero against the evil Goddess, Echidna. Monk is bound in a straight jacket and spaced by his own comrades. The heroes prevail. Bilgamesh returns to his home dimension. Theorore remains with the Faerie and marrie sthe princess. The renegade faerie is redeemed.
Saturday February 18th @ 11.00 am – Supernatural War Epilogue and the Celebrations. Party time was enjoyed by all, a few of the heroes set out to find Alvina? Then the unthinkable happened. Who killed Theodore, the human faerie hero?
Saturday March 18th @ 11.00 am – The quest for Alvina is joined – Revelations!
Saturday April 1st @ 11.00 am – Alvina found, about to be excuted in front of hundreds of Dragons! Black Bolt arrives alone, surverys the situation – “no problem” as he charges in!
Saturday April 22nd @ 11.00 am – Dragonworld epilogue, Hunter Universe wrap up? Will the heroes keep all their team intact? Can they successfully return to their own time and own world?
Saturday May 6th @ 11.00 am – Revelations! The heroes return but a year to early. Laz is losing his powers. Chronos brings a warning. A distress call from Azzi & Maria’s dimension detours the heroes, with only 2.5 days to save Laz from ??? The fate of Professor Doom revealed.
Saturday May 20th @ 11.00 am – Fill in issue. Monk is stuck babysitting Fedin’s spaceship on an alien world, while the team ventures forth via D. Gate to save Laz. Stuck alone again, with nothing but primitive CAL labybugs and spiders. Nothing to do, nothing to see, boring guard duty. bored, Bored, BORED.! I (Monk) wish I had something to do! – Be careful what you wish for!
Saturday May 27th @ 11.00 am – Professor Doom is back! The heroes return to an alien invasion? Revelations III ?
Saturday June 24th @ 11.00 am – Epilogue ? Return to Earth Universe 2286! Primary encounters with Zephrons and Space battles, as Terrean Federation ships drop like flies. Framed for the disaster, the heros beeline back to this Earth to clear their names. Incarcerated (escape proof tech/magic bonds) and under the Inquisition (a legacy from the Spanish Inquisition), accused of being witches (the heroes magic is not recognized here), all seems lost, until Monk can not give his real name as he does not know. The Inquisitor recalls a prophecy of another sorcerer from another dimension with no name a cascade of events follow with the heroes being revered and more revelations. Ancient hologram of Princess Sunshine reveals Monk’s true name as he is her best friend (despite Monk never having met her)!, Lazarus’s get a new quest for his lost identity braclet, Alvina remains behind as protector of Luyten, Azzi retires. Despite their success, Black Bolt’s solo patrol results in a humilitating defeat.
Saturday July 8th @ 11.00 am – Final Epilogue for Universe 2286, the party splits up and shrinks again. Solo adventures for Laz/Doomback in time!
Saturday July 22nd @ – Laz solo!
Saturday August 5th @ – History Lesson
Unforseen Intermission!
Saturday September 8th – The “team” back on track!
October – Monk becomes Boris and Russian mafia member.
November – Natasha is “summoned” with 6 other “demons”. Monk is outgunned, most of the team dies and then Kane arrives.
January 27th 2018 – The return of Black Bolt.
February 10th – A happy home visit had gone astray, when Black Bolt’s family is missing, Cabinda is working with interdimensional Zyfrons and the heroes become the hunted!
March 3rd – Black Bolt morns his wife. Goes on a spirit quest for help, but gets different answers. His cheetah soul companion dials his bracelet and BB ends up in another multidimensional multiversal “cube”, where he meets a parallel SL! BB and Monk trapped in a dimension with no wat out with the “Raggy Man”.
March 31st – Stuck in Raggy Man’s dimension without any powers. Revelations – bonus edition. Raggy Man is the disgraced Raggallion SL, cast back to Earth, the cause of the blink and …..
April 14th – After negiotiating with the Raggy Man, the heroes are freed from the dimensional prison, armed with more information and goals. After 35 years real time, the players have finally met the team “Super Squadron”.
June 30th – Back on the original time track. So much to do: What happened to Captain Charm? Two active scenarios on Earth 2283, plus the aftermarth of the battle with Kane and Starbird’s death (again)! Not quite. The heros find that they keep jumping 6 months ahead in time line to late June, no matter which Dimension Gate device they use? Landing in 2284 dimension, they engage in 3 standard partolling, encountering Wraith, the leader of the Weather Men (in a hideaway) and finally Muzac, a SH from Alpha Centuri that needs help after tracking some villain to a “lost” crashed Federation ship (which was the ship that had the Xenomorphs)!
July 13th – The cheetah force with its Cosmic senses insists that Black Bolt (Hot ‘n’ Tot) go to Naga world before they all return to Earth for Rose’s Movie Premiere on July 4th. This will be over 6 months after the big battle with Kane and the death of Captain Charm, Simon (who has returned) and Starbird.
July 14th – The cheetah force with its Cosmic senses insists that Black Bolt (Hot ‘n’ Tot) go to Naga world before they all return to Earth for Rose’s Movie Premiere on July 4th. This will be over 6 months after the big battle with Kane and the death of Captain Charm, Simon (who has returned) and Starbird. They travel to Naga world and find 49 years have passed. Only the leader of the Church of Monk from the original rebellion is still alive, but he is dying. The bodies of Captain Charm and Simon have disappeared, and Lina the gold dragon infant (godess) has also disappeared. The 3 major churches are on the verge of a civil war. Following the trail, they go to Naga World Earth which is on parallell time to Earth prime. Captain Charm has been a superhero here for almost 50 years but has now gone, leaving his grand daughter “Starbird”, who accompanies the heroes back to Earth prime, as Monk need to make his girlfriends movie premiere on July 4th in LA. The recently refurbished grand theatre is hosting this major publiczed event, but its a trap. Kane, Dave and 32 suped up Blood Tie (on a super Agility drug) ambush them after the movie!
Saturday August 4th – Kane, Dave and 32 suped up Blood Tie (on a super Agility drug) ambush Monk, Black Bolt, Simon and the “new” Starbird after the movie! The heroes are serverely outgunned and trapped!
Saturday September 8th. Aftermarth! The hero’s victorious? Kane and Dave – the final solution revealed!
Saturday October 13th. Life after Dave and Kane.
Saturday December 1st. Lost in space in an alien dimension, in the middle of a brewing instellar war between 4 (?) races. (Just another regular day!)
Saturday January 12th, 2019. Back to Lazarus, epilogue of the Xenomorph and the recovery of …..
February 10th – Monk and Black Bolt’s Christmas Special ??
March 16th – To save the dying alien race, Black Bolt, Monk and Laz travel to another dimension to secure the promised land, but what they find there is anything but paradise and its about to get so much worse!
March 30th – Titaniana “dropped in” (no one knows from where) and joins the heroes. They have just under 3 days to save the universe, from 7 threats. 1 down, 6 to go.
April – They have just under 2 days to save the universe, from 7 threats. 1 down, 6 to go. Do they have enough time, can they last the distance.
May 19th – They have just under 2 days to save the universe, from 7 threats. 2 down, 5 to go. Do they have enough time, can they last the distance.
Saturday June 15h @ 11.00 am – They have just under 2 days to save the universe, from 7 threats. 3 down, 4 to go. Monk is down. Do they have enough time, can they last the distance.
Saturday August 29th @ 11.00 am – They have just under 2 days to save the universe, from 7 threats. 4 down, 3 to go. Monk is down. Do they have enough time, can they last the distance.
September 7th @ 11.00 am – The finale and epilogue, success but at what cost. Starbird MIA, Alvina, Azzi and Laz return to Earth 2283. Titania homeless for now.
October 13th – The missing doctor
Saturday November 5th – Laz
Saturday January 11th – The fate of Black Bolt’s wife!
May 2nd/2020 – A new player join the heroes ranks, who has yet to gain his powers. A secret meeting at Melbourne Uni, where Dr Sumdellamiller is going to showcase he latest and greatest invention to investors, government officials and selected privilaged few. It’s so secret, event the superhero contingent don’t know what it is, but then again, what can possibly go wrong?
Missing Data!
August 22nd/2020 The players have planned a “Sting” to capture the Flying Cobra.
October 10th/2020 – Death Adders body is missing, who took it and why? What is with all these strange ritualistic murders targeting super-beings?
October 25th/2020 The heroes intercepted the Heartless killer and stopped a murder, but they still have not idea of their identity and were lucky to survive one of the most powerful antagonists they ever faced.
November 8th/2020 The heroes desperately search for more information on the Heartless killer and thanks to a new lead, they find Cassandra and the answer they have been looking for. “The Count” (an antagonist they haven’t met (?), who apparently hates Black Bolt is apparently a Vampire.
November 29th/2020 The heroes now have a plan and set a trap for the Count, using Black Bolt as bait (?). Unfortunately they have had to leave Cassandra (Devon/Vali’s) missing and now amnesiac girlfriend as the Count’s prisoner to prevent the Count from being aware that the heroes are on to him.
Dates may changed based on other commitments, please check schedule regularly.