CROSSED: BADLANDS (VARIANT COVER) #50: #50 True Romance cover

AUD $10.00

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

Postage and Handling Rates

A Rough Guide to Postage and Handling Rates

These are the current rates as of the date listed.  Prices may have changed since this guide was finalised.

Final Postage and Handling charges will be advised on final invoicing if requested
otherwise, an order will proceed to completion at whatever the current rates may be.

All Australian orders include tracking in the cost.

We ship international.   International Orders will include tracking if available.

Rates Current as of 22/04/2024

Approximately 4-6 comics plus packaging=500g

Melbourne (CAPITAL) (3000-3062, 3064-3098, 3101-3138, 3140-3210, 3800-3801, 8000-8999, 9999)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $12.00
500g-5kg = $14.00
5kg-22kg = $12.00 plus $0.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $13.00
500g-5kg = $16.00
5kg-22kg = $13.00 plus $1.00/kilo extra

VICTORIA Metro (METRO) (3063, 3099-3100, 3139, 3335-3341, 3427-3443, 3750-3799, 3802-3811, 3910-3920, 3926-3944, 3975-3978,  3980-3983, 3211-3220, 3350, 3353-3356, 3689-3690)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $14.00 
500g-5kg = $17.00
5kg-22kg = $14.00 plus $1.00/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $16.00
500g-5kg = $22.00
5kg-22kg = $16.00 plus $1.25/kilo extra

VICTORIA Country (REMOTE) (2648, 2715, 2717-2719, 2731-2739, 3221-3334, 3342-3349, 3351-3352, 3357-3426, 3444-3688,  3691-3749, 3812-3909, 3921-3925, 3945-3974, 3979, 3984-3999)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $16.00 
500g-5kg = $24.00
5kg-22kg = $16.00 plus $1.60/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $20.00 
500g-5kg = $30.00
5kg-22kg = $20.00 plus $2.25/kilo extra


Sydney (CAPITAL) (1000-1935, 2000-2079, 2085-2107, 2109-2156, 2158, 2160-2172,2174-2229, 2232-2249, 2557-2559,2564-2567,  2740-2744, 2747-2751, 2759-2764, 2766-2774, 2776-2777, 2890-2897)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $14.00
500g-5kg = $18.00
5kg-22kg = $14.00 plus $1.00/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $16.00
500g-5kg = $23.00
5kg-22kg = $16.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

NSW Metro (METRO) (2080-2084, 2108, 2157, 2159, 2173, 2230-2231, 2508-2514, 2555-2556, 2560-2563, 2568-2574, 2745-2746,  2752-2758, 2765, 2775, 2778-2786, 2250-2263, 2500-2507, 2515-2532, 2282-2310, 200-299,2600-2620, 2900-2920, 1936-1999,  2640-2641, 2708-2709, 2485-2486)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $15.00
500g-5kg = $20.00
5kg-22kg = $15.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $18.00
500g-5kg = $25.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $1.75/kilo extra

NSW Country (REMOTE) (2264-2281, 2311-2484, 2487-2499, 2533-2554, 2575-2599, 2621-2639, 2642-2647, 2649-2707, 2710-2714,  2716, 2720-2730, 2787-2879)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $17.00
500g-5kg = $26.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $2.00/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $20.00
500g-5kg = $34.00
5kg-22kg = $20.00 plus $2.75/kilo extra


Brisbane (CAPITAL) (4000-4018, 4029-4068, 4072-4123, 4127-4129, 4131-4132, 4151-4164, 4169-4182, 4205-4206, 9000-9725)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $14.00
500g-5kg = $18.00
5kg-22kg = $14.00 plus $1.00/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $16.00
500g-5kg = $23.00
5kg-22kg = $16.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

QLD Metro (METRO) (4019-4028, 4069-4071, 4124-4126, 4130, 4133-4150, 4165-4168,4183-4204, 4207-4209, 4270-4299,4500-4549,  4300-4308, 4210-4224, 4226-4269, 9726-9919, 4225, 4550-4579)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $15.00
500g-5kg = $20.00
5kg-22kg = $15.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $18.00
500g-5kg = $25.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $1.75/kilo extra

QLD Country (REMOTE) (4309-4453, 4580-4693, 4454-4499, 4694-4802, 4804-4805, 9920-9960, 4803, 4806-4999, 9961-9998)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $17.00
500g-5kg = $26.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $2.00/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $20.00
500g-5kg = $34.00
5kg-22kg = $20.00 plus $2.75/kilo extra

Adelaide (CAPITAL) (5000-5113, 5115-5117, 5125-5130, 5158-5169, 5800-5999)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $15.00
500g-5kg = $20.00
5kg-22kg = $15.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $18.00
500g-5kg = $25.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $1.75/kilo extra

SA Metro (METRO) (5114, 5118-5124, 5131-5157, 5170-5200)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $15.00
500g-5kg = $20.00
5kg-22kg = $15.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $18.00
500g-5kg = $25.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $1.75/kilo extra

SA Country (REMOTE) (2880-2889, 5201-5749)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $17.00
500g-5kg = $26.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $2.00/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $20.00
500g-5kg = $34.00
5kg-22kg = $20.00 plus $2.75/kilo extra


Perth (CAPTIAL) (6000-6030, 6036, 6050-6066, 6069, 6076, 6090-6110, 6112-6120,6147-6160, 6162-6175, 6180, 6182-6206, 6210,  6800-6990, 6992-6996)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $15.00
500g-5kg = $22.00
5kg-22kg = $15.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $17.00
500g-5kg = $26.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $2.00/kilo extra

WA Metro (METRO) (6031-6035, 6037-6049, 6067-6068, 6070-6075, 6077-6089, 6111, 6121-6146, 6161, 6176-6179, 6181, 6207-6209,  6211-6214, 6991, 6997-6999)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $16.00
500g-5kg = $28.00
5kg-22kg = $16.00 plus $2.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $19.00
500g-5kg = $32.00
5kg-22kg = $19.00 plus $2.75/kilo extra

WA Country (REMOTE) (6215-6700, 6701-6797)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $17.00
500g-5kg = $35.00
5kg-22kg = $18.00 plus $3.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $21.00
500g-5kg = $42.00
5kg-22kg = $21.00 plus $4.00/kilo extra


Hobart (METRO) (7000-7019, 7050-7053, 7055-7108, 7172, 7248-7254, 7258-7329, 7800-7999)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $15.00
500g-5kg = $20.00
5kg-22kg = $15.00 plus $1.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $18.00
500g-5kg = $25.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $1.75/kilo extra

TASMANIA Country (REMOTE) (7020-7049, 7054, 7109-7150, 7155-7171, 7173-7247, 7255-7257, 7330-7799)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $17.00
500g-5kg = $26.00
5kg-22kg = $17.00 plus $2.00/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $20.00
500g-5kg = $34.00
5kg-22kg = $20.00 plus $2.75/kilo extra


NORTHERN TERRITORY, Norfolk Island & other (REMOTE) (800-802, 804-821, 828-851, 853-853, 860-861, 870-871, 873-879,  906-999, 803-803, 822-827, 852-852, 854-859, 862-869, 872-872, 880-905, 2898-2899, 6798-6799, 7151-7154)

Regular Post – up to 500g= $17.00
500g-5kg = $35.00
5kg-22kg = $18.00 plus $3.50/kilo extra

Express Post – up to 500g= $21.00
500g-5kg = $42.00
5kg-22kg = $21.00 plus $4.00/kilo extra


(W) Garth Ennis (A) Christian Zanier (CA) Jacen Burrows. The most highly anticipated Crossed story ever is finally here! GARTH ENNIS – the creator of Crossed, returns to the miserable world he created to take us all the way back to the beginning with an unforgettable tale of the fabric of society unraveling. From the first issue of Crossed fans have wondered how it all began. Was it an act of god? Did it begin as a man-made bio-weapon? Is it the final evolution of human kind? Now, after more than five years of horror, Ennis reveals his ‘Patient Zero’ in this seven part epic drawn by CHRISTIAN ZANIER. Join the master of modern horror and all of the Crossed Nation faithful as they get a front row seat for the biggest issue of Crossed since it debuted! Available with Regular, Wraparound, and Torture covers by Zanier, Fatal Fantasy and Mission Failure covers by Matt Martin, True Romance and Amazons cover by original series artist Jacen Burrows, and special Red Crossed and Pure Art Incentive covers.