Highlander ccg 2019 Australian Nationals December 28th and 29th

Highlander Tcg/Lcg 2019 Nationals

The 2018 Highlander Nationals are being held at Alternate Worlds, 11/13 Malvern Street, Bayswater, Vic 3153. (Due to the late scheduling of this event, we will give priority to running the sealed and Russian Roulette events, so the actual schedule may change on the day).

We will be featuring 9 events over two days, as follows:

Type One Constructed Deck
Type One Sealed Deck *

Type One Lean and Mean
Type Two Constructed Deck
Type Two Sealed Deck *
Type Two Constructed

Type Three Sealed Deck *
Russian Roulette (1st ed cards, 2nd ed. rules) *

Type Two/Three Lean and Mean Deck (see details below) (if we have time)

* The events in purple do not require constructed decks, the cards will be availabe in store.

Some modified rules will be in force due to player preference and game balance. 


Details: Sessions times as listed below. Specific Times for events are to be confirmed on the days based on player preferences.
Scheduled times:
Saturday    10.00 am – 1.30 pm – 5.00 pm – 8.30 pm
Sunday       10.00 am – 1.30 pm – 5.00 pm 

Highlander 1st edition, Sealed Deck.
               One TV starter plus (7 boosters YBA but most likely). 2 Watchers Chronicles boosters, 2 Four

               Horseman, 2 Arms & Tactics and 1 TV booster. Standard rules and deck construction, except Police

               will not  remove plots and Holy Grounds cause 2 ability loss. Cost: $25.00
Highlander 2nd edition Constructed
               Standard rules and deck construction apply. Cost $6.00
Highlander 1st edition, constructed. (inc. Raven)
               Standard rules and deck construction, with above errata. Raven cards are allowed. Cost $6.00

Highlander 1st edition, Lean and Mean. (inc. Raven)
               This format is the same as Standard Constructed, except you MUST include 6 Lean & Mean
               cards in your deck and your deck must be the minimum deck size (54).If we are short on time,
               this is the event that will most likely be skipped. Cost: $6.00
Highlander 2nd edition Sealed Deck
               One 2nd Ed Beta starter and 3 boosters. Australian Rule mods apply. If you play aPersona,
               you may include one copy of any other ONE Persona's non-signature cards. If you have a
               Weapon of Choice, you may include one copy of any other WoC non-signature cards. If you
               do not include a WoC, you may include one copy of each (non-Signature) WoC cards. Egg
               deck construction rules do not apply, Master limits do apply. Cost: 25.00.
Highlander 2nd Ed/3rd Ed. Lean & Mean. Cost $6.00
Highlander 2nd Ed. Lean & Mean
               This format is the same as Standard Constructed, except you MUST include 6 Lean & Mean
               cards in your deck and your deck must be the minimum deck size (54).If we are short on time,
               this is the event that will most likely be skipped. Cost: $6.00
Highlander 3rd Ed Sealed Deck.
               One of pre-constructed double decks, with an extra 2 boosters and the fixed cards from 2nd

              edition starter deck. Cost: $60.00.
Highlander Russian Roulette.
               Local Australia favourite. Two dozen pre-constructed type 1 decks, using type 2 rules.
               Each round, each player is given a random deck from the list. You can not draw the same
               deck twice. All decks are fairly even, but have the rock, paper, scissors syndrome. Your
               powerful deck has a weakness to one immortal and your opponent just drew him!. Cost: 6.00

Prizes: Q's will be given for each event. Rippers will be given for each event. Promo cards will be given for each event. 
Times may vary depending on player numbers and play times required.